Saturday, 14 April 2012

Turn Crappy Headlines Into Internet Gold

If you're a small business owner and you want to improve the effectiveness of your advertising you will need to know how to identify headlines that drive your customers wild. I'll tell you a powerful tip in just a minute that will blow your competition out of the water.

First, let me tell you something that you probably didn't know. Most so-called advertising experts don't know how to write powerful headlines. They write cute, catchy and easily forgotten phrases that fall far short of the mark. I don't have enough space or time to tell why this is so. Just know, that, anyone who knows how to use a pencil and paper can write powerful, moneymaking headlines...if they understand this one basic rule.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying writing powerful headlines is easy. What I am saying is; if you put in a little effort, (a few hours a week), it won't be long before you are writing headlines that cause your prospective customers to want to do business with you.

This tip is especially important if you are working with an advertising agency, or, a local freelance writer. In fact, once you get the hang of this one concept, they will be amazed at how "creative" you are when it comes to writing headlines that grab your customers attention and moves them to action.

One more thing: There is no such thing as a free lunch. Right? Right. Unless you are willing to put some time in and practice, practice, practice, it doesn't matter how many tips I give you. You won't get anywhere. You have to take action in order for your newfound talent to take root and grow.


The headline in an ad is 50-75% of the ad's effectiveness. Headlines in advertising are there for one reason. To attract the attention of a certain group of people who want to hear more about what you have to offer. People don't read a newspaper from cover to cover. They scan the headlines and read only those articles where the headline attracted their attention or peaked their interest. Your advertising headlines are no different. So, with that said, here's the tip I referred to earlier:

The Four Qualities of a Good Headline:
1. Self-Interest

2. News

3. Curiosity

4. Quick, easy way

Now, before you say, "I can't do that," I'm going to tell you how to get some free help. And, before you ask, No, I do not have any side deals nor am I getting paid an affiliate commission or any other compensation for telling you this. I have no connection whatsoever with any of the sources I am going to tell you about.

Why am I telling you this powerful information without getting paid? Because I was where you are at one point in my career and if someone would have just helped me learn what I needed to know then, it wouldn't have taken 25 years of my life. However, just because I'm giving you this information for free doesn't mean it is of little value. It will be the most important information you will ever get.


I was wrong about one thing. It will cost you something to get this information. Sorry, but you will have to take some action. You will have to visit your local library or go on line and find these three resource books. Study them, practice with them. Live, eat, breath, them for a few weeks. You will be amazed on what you learn and what an immediate impact it will have on your business.

A. Tested Advertising Methods - Fourth Edition- by John Caples

B. My Life In Advertising & Scientific Advertising - by Claude Hopkins

C. The Robert Collier Letter Book - By Robert Collier

Ok. I have just saved you thousands of dollars in wasted advertising, not to mention the thousands of hours wasted on downloading empty promises, re-packaged advertising gimmicks, and incomplete "how to" reports.

Don't spend another cent on advertising until you've read these three books. And, no, I don't have copies of these books to sell you. There is no catch. You either take action now or you don't.

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