Monday 21 May 2012

How to Write Persuasive Headlines That Will Make You More Money From Your Website

Realizing that writing headlines is one of the most important word-related elements of building a website (after getting great keywords, first) is one thing. But knowing HOW to find the words that make good headlines is quite another!

But like all good copywriting; what works, is based on human emotions. In this case it's the 'BENEFITS syndrome': 'what's in it for me'. Find a benefit that your web-surfers are looking for, convert it into words, and you'll make even more money from your website! For instance:

If you're selling Dog Training Video Courses, one of the main benefits dog owners would look for would be the ability to quickly train their dog to be obedient to commands - and therefore get more enjoyment from owning their dog -
headlines like: 'Dog Training: proven system takes just 2 weeks to train a dog to respond to your commands...' or 'Train your dog to "sit", "stay", "fetch" and "come" in just 10 days - with the 'DogTrain' success system' would be effective.
There are many different types of benefits that can work, including 'physical' benefits (as above) or 'psychological' benefits that rely on touching on general emotions, or posing - and solving - common dilemmas.

Finding benefit words is the key to successful headlines. But here's a quick guide to different types of headlines that can use those benefit words to maximum effect:

The 4 most attention-grabbing Headlines for today's market

1. The 'Question / Intrigue' Headline

This relates to the strong 'PSYCHOLOGICAL benefit, and can be powerful in getting into the 'mindset' of your potential customer, providing it relates to their situation. (Example - Software offer to small business owners): 'Are YOU ready for the biggest change in Employment Law since 2008?' This type of Headline not only poses a question which cannot definitely be answered - it also sets up an 'intrigue' as to what the change is, and if the company has already covered all the implications of the law change, or not. So it would be best to find out more...

2. The 'Scary' Headline

This takes the Psychological /Intrigue aspect even further, and can be incredibly effective, if used in the right way. (Example - Software company promoting new anti-virus programme): 'Here's how to disable the latest Computer Viruses - before they disable YOUR business...' This poses a 'threat' of the latest computer viruses, and the intrigue of finding out what they are. It also suggests a solution, in the 'How to' words..!

3. The 'Testimonial' Headline,

There is the 'true' Testimonial Headline - taken from some complimentary words a previous customer has said about your product or service (and agreed on being quoted!) like: 'A first-class xxxxx service... now I know exactly who to call when I next need (xxxxx)...' There's also the 'Press quotes' type of testimonial, quoting a good review of a product before its launch.

4. The 'Offer/Saving' Headline

If you've got a good offer with a great saving - both in MONEY and/or TIME - flaunt it! (Example): 'Here's how you can not only SAVE 25% on... we'll also save you TIME, with next-day delivery, too!' (OR) 'Save 25% on.... and get it delivered within 24 hours - guaranteed!' If it really is a good offer, compared to similar products, it's the first benefit that warrants going in the Headline...

Of course there are other types of Headlines, but these four are generally known as being the most effective in promoting products or services in today's climate, and in helping to make money online - using BENEFIT words in the best ways possible!

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